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Online Tools:


Educating 4 Democracy with videos and resources for Civic Investigation and Research. 



Blog Posts Written by Teachers:


Edwards, Nicole. (2014). Blog post. Using Infographics as a Writing Tool and Accommodation for Out of the Box Thinkers. EDDA Blog.


Rothbard, Lisa. (2014). Blog post. Writing, Research, and Youth Voice. EDDA Blog.


Sheffer, Marguerite. (2014). Blog post. Online Research is a Human Right. EDDA Blog.





Joel Breakstone, Mark Smith, Sam Wineburg, Amie Rapaport, Jill Carle, Marshall Garland, and Anna Saavedra. (2021). Student’s Civic Online Reasoning: A National Portrait. Educational Researcher.


Gold, Jonathan. (2017). Teaching in the Post-Truth Era. Huffington Post.


Hodgin, E. & Kahne, J. (2018). Misinformation in the Information Age: What Teachers Can Do To Support Students. National Council for the Social Studies.


Dyer, John. (2017) Can news literacy be taught?: At a time when more critical media consumption is sorely needed, news literacy can be a difficult skill to impart. Nieman Reports. 


Sara McGrew, Teresa Ortega, Joel Breakstone, and Sam Wineburg. (2017). The Challenge That's Bigger Than Fake News: Civic Reasoning in a Social Media Environment. AFT Our News.

Zuckerman, Ethan. (2017). Stop Saying “Fake News”. It’s Not Helping. Medium.



Other Resources:


ISTE’s Top 10 sites to help students check their facts


Educator Resource Guide for Democracy, Civic Engagement and Media Literacy -- Facing History


Checkology -- News Literacy Project


Credibility Challenge -- Annenberg Institute


Explore these free online modules:

  • Making Infographics with KQED Teach = helps educators learn the techniques and design basics to create compelling data driven stories

    • You can explore other modules from KQED Teach here​.

  • Digital Annotation with = helps educators learn about web annotation for personal note-taking, group discussion, and public commentary as well as reflect about the role of web annotation as civic engagement


News & Media Literacy Toolkit for Educators -- Common Sense Media


Media Literacy Tools to Comprehend and Critique Fake News -- Educator Innovator webinar


You can explore the Civic Online Reasoning (COR) curriculum that the Stanford History Education Group (SHEG) has to offer. The COR curriculum is also accompanied by a video library that covers a range of topics including a collection created in collaboration with Crash Course. 


To see one example of a school implementing a news literacy program, check out this video of a 9th grade biology class learning to distinguish between reliable sources, misinformation, and politically or financially motivated sources. 

Students explore their identities and communities, identify civic issues that matter to them, and consider how they might use digital media for civic participation.

Students work to understand and analyze civic information online, and consider what information they

can trust.

Students navigate diverse perspectives and exchange ideas about civic issues in our inter-connected world .

Students consider how, when and to what end they can create, remix and otherwise re-purpose content that they share with others in online spaces.

Students consider a broad range of tactics and strategies for acting on civic issues. 

© 2018 by the MacArthur Research Network on Youth and Participatory Politics

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